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Assessing the strength of your communications

You should continually assess your communications activities, especially as your initiative or approach builds momentum. Questions to consider include:

  • Have you noted the reaction or response to your messages and “asks” so that you can assess whether they are working? Do they remain viable should new opportunities arise?
  • Can you measure any impact as a result of your communications? It is important to look at your outcomes and adjust your strategies as necessary. Remember that the lack of a measurable impact does not necessarily reflect a poor communication strategy but could be an indication that you need to address an unforeseen cultural, political or policy challenge by adjusting your message.
  • Have you coached all members of your Action Team on the messages and how well everyone can deliver the coalition’s key points?
  • Are some of your materials directed towards short-term or immediate situations? Do other materials take a larger view? Can they be used over multiple years or with multiple audiences?

Updated March 2018

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